Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers

  1. Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Worksheet
  2. Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Printable
  3. Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Anchor Chart
  4. Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Worksheets

The short answer is that the QBasic Forum sort is good enough for our work and is simple to code. I am calling our sort 'the QBasic Forum sort' rather than the name we usually use, namely 'bubble sort'. That is because it is not a bubble sort. Here is why we should use the name 'selection sort' instead of 'bubble sort'. Now, QBasic is a relatively new BASIC dialect that has many advanced features such as user defined types and (gasp!) functions. But I didn’t use any fancy functions back in the 90s, and so I’m going to write old school BASIC using line numbers and GOTO, which means that the code should be relatively easy to port to, say, Commodore 64 BASIC.

  • I think it would not be that long - on a single run - especially because arrays in QBasic limited to 32000 something elements. There could be things there you need it fast. Like, multiple sorting (say, to keep some array sorted after insertion/deletion.) And you better know that there is a faster way. And it's nice to have it handy.
  • And thus, the list is sorted. Now, just for the heck of it, let's do this in QBasic! Here, we have a variable called sortlistsize which defines the number of numbers you wish to sort. This will be input by the user.
  • Below is the TB program listing of a bubble sort example program, from Brian D Hahn's 1988 book 'True BASIC by Problem Solving'. It creates 100 random integers, then sorts them in ascending order.
  • And QBASIC will read this and print 'One Three Two ', as opposed to 'One Two Three'. So is there any batch file, or QB code that I can use to sort the line numbers of my generated BAS files? I would greatly appreciate the help! Thanks in advance, Komaru.

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Sortation techniques :-

Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Worksheet

Being able to sort items by size is an important part of computing. It is also, perhaps one of the less easily understood routines. Some simple sort routines are very slow whilst others seem too arcane to be understood by mere mortals - or by me at least.

Whilst trawling through my back copies of PC Plus - one of the magazines I subscribe to, I found a very fast sortation method. The next day someone gave me a copy of a program called SortDemo which was lurking on the disks of one of our older machines. I have no idea who wrote it, or how we came to have a copy but I have included it in the downloadable zip file. It was investigating these routines that I made the logic error you can read about in Errors.

Here are the timings when I ran this program at home :-







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Quicksort :-

From the table you can see the quickest by far was the QuickSort routine. Here's a program that generates an array of random numbers then sorts them using a QuickSort algorithm.

Screenshot of QSort.bas

You can also sort a string array using this method. To do this you need to make all references to MyArray, SortArray and Partition into strings.

Bubblesort :-

One of the easiest sorts to write is the bubble sort. All this does is use two loops to compare every element of an array with every other element. If one element is bigger than the other it swaps them. for comparing short arrays it's good enough, but because of the number of comparisons it has to do, it's not really suitable for large arrays.

When you are writing and testing these sortation routines you'll need some test files to feed into the arrays. Here's a program that writes five of them. One is a file that is completely sorted, then sorted but 'upsidedown', one with the largest numbers at the top, another with the smallest at the bottom and finally a completely random one. I originally wrote this program a couple of years ago, and surprisingly, it still works. Who says I only write WORM programs? In this case WORM stands for Works Once - Rewrites Many.

Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Printable

/get-windows-server-serial-number.html. To make the program run properly you'll need to edit the FilePath$ variable to a directory on your own drive. You can also control how many lines are produced by changing the number of elements in the NumArray array.

The programs on this page, like all the programs written for this site, can be downloaded from the DLoads page.

Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Anchor Chart

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QBasic Tutorial 4 - Variables and Data Types - QB64

Qbasic Program To Sort Numbers Worksheets

Data Types in QBasic / QB64
The computer can hold data in memory. The programmer must tell the computer what type of data to hold. This is called a data type.
String...Text and characters
Example: This line is an example of a string
Integer..Non-floating-point numbers from -32,768 to 32,767
Examples: 67, -34, -100, 203, 1022, -1, 0
Long...Non-floating-point numbers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Examples: 560005, 3, -2, 0, -867000, 14, 8, -10
Single..Floating-point numbers from -3.37x10^38 to 3.37x10^38
Examples: 4.3, 25.4567, -35.87, 0.35, -3.14
Double..Floating-point numbers from -1.67x10^308 to 1.67x10^308
Examples: 745663.90596, -98.12, 4859903.094491
Note: In QBasic 1.1, the Double may not work properly on some computers.
64 Bit Data Types (QB64 Only)
_INTEGER64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
_FLOAT ±1.18E−4932, ±1.18E+4932
List of QB64 Data Types
• Hold data in memory
• Are assigned a data type
• The data can change throughout the program’s operation
• The data entered must be the same data type as assigned to the variable
A variable name is a name that is given to the data. The name must not start with a number or character that is not a letter. Also, the name of the variable must not be a reserved name like PRINT, INPUT, LET, ABS, BEEP, etc.
There are two ways to declare a variable in QBasic / QB64.
The first is to put a data type symbol after the name
$ String
% Integer
& Long
! Single
# Double
&& _INTEGER64 (QB64 Only)
The second way is the preferred way since Visual Basic uses this method. Becoming accustom to this way will help the transition from QBasic / QB64 to Visual Basic. DIM is used to make variables of a data type.
DIM [Variable Name] As Data Type
DIM [Variable Name] AS STRING
DIM [Variable Name] AS INTEGER
DIM [Variable Name] AS LONG
DIM [Variable Name] AS SINGLE
DIM [Variable Name] AS DOUBLE
DIM [Variable Name] AS _INTEGER64
DIM [Variable Name] AS _FLOAT
DIM Answer AS Double
Remember that selecting the right data type for the variable is very important to make the program operate properly.
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